International Star Directory

The Constellations

Since thousands of years, scientists and philosophers have interpreted the stars in the night sky as mythological figures. This has led to what we now know as constellations. Eventually, every star belongs to one of these 88 constellations. Among them are the well known Great Bear, also known as the Big Dipper, dating back to the ancient Greek. Most constellations in the northern hemisphere date back to the ancient Greek or the ancient Persians.
On the other hand, the constellations in the southern hemisphere are less famous and mostly only a few hundred years old. They were only introduced when adventurers and explorers from Europe started to explore the world a few hundred years ago and set sight on the stars of the southern hemisphere for the first time. Therefore, many constellations of the southern hemisphere have a modern origin, like the Telescope or the Microscope.
Both are scientific instruments not known to the ancient Greek or Persians. The constellations as used by astronoers from all around the world were agreed upon be the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1922. 12 of these constellations belong to the zodiac. That means that the sun passes through them over the course of a year.

List of all constellations

Andromeda (And, Andromeda)
This ancient constellation symbolizes the daughter of queen Cassiopeia. It contains our sister galaxy: The Andromeda-Galaxy (M31).

Antlia (Ant, Air Pump)
This constellation was introduced by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in honor of the air pump invented by Robert Boyle.

Apus (Aps, Bird of Paradise)
This is a rather small and not very distinct constellation close to the southern pole in the sky. It was introduced by Johann Bayer in 1603.

Aquila (Aql, Eagle)

Aquarius (Aqr, Water Carrier)
Aquarius is an anciet constellation. The Babylonians recognized it as a man, pouring water from a jar.

Ara (Ara, Altar)
According to the ancient myth, Centaurus sacrificed the Wolf.

Aries (Ari, Ram)
The Ram is a rather small constellation, but it is very distinct. Its origins go back to the myth of the golden fleece of the greek mythology.

Auriga (Aur, Charioteer)

Bootes (Boo, Herdsman)

Caelum (Cae, Chisel)

Camelopardalis (Cam, Giraffe)

Capricornus (Cap, Capricorn)
The Capricorn is one of the oldest constellations. It is often depicted as a combination of a goat and a fish due to its ancient name in the Babylonian culture.

Carina (Car, Ship keel)
Carina contains the second brightest star in the sky, Canopus, which is topped only by Sirius.

Cassiopeia (Cas, Cassiopeia)

Centaurus (Cen, Centaur)

Cepheus (Cep, Cepheus)

Cetus (Cet, Whale)

Chamaeleon (Cha, Chameleon)

Circinus (Cir, Compasses)

Canis Major (CMa, Big Dog)

Canis Minor (CMi, Little Dog)

Cancer (Cnc, Cancer)
According to the ancient myth, the Crab attacked Hercules while he was fighting the Hydra. It is the least prominent constellations in the zodiac.

Columba (Col, Dove)

Coma Berenices (Com, Berenice's Hair)

Corona Australis (CrA, Southern Crown)

Corona Borealis (CrB, Northern Crown)

Crater (Crt, Cup)

Crux (Cru, Southern Cross)

Corvus (Crv, Crow)

Canes Venatici (CVn, Hunting Dogs)

Cygnus (Cyg, Swan)

Delphinus (Del, Dolphin)

Dorado (Dor, Goldfish)

Draco (Dra, Dragon)

Equuleus (Equ, Little Horse)
This is the second smallest constellation. It was most likely introduced by Ptolemaeus in the second century.

Eridanus (Eri, River)

Fornax (For, Furnace)

Gemini (Gem, Twins)
This is a very old constellation, representing the two twins Castor and Pollux. They have been regarded as the patrons and protectors of sailors.

Grus (Gru, Crane)

Hercules (Her, Hercules)

Horologium (Hor, Pendulum Clock)

Hydra (Hya, Sea Serpent)

Hydrus (Hyi, Water Snake)

Indus (Ind, Indian)

Lacerta (Lac, Lizard)

Leo (Leo, Lion)
The Lion is a large constellation that makes it rather easy to recognize the lion in the stars. It supposedly was the first task of Hercules to kill the Lion, according to the ancient myth.

Lepus (Lep, Hare)

Libra (Lib, Scales)
This constellation symbolizes jurisdiction. The Scales are thereby held up by Astraea, the goddess of justice.

Leo Minor (LMi, Smaller Lion)

Lupus (Lup, Wolf)

Lynx (Lyn, Lynx)

Lyra (Lyr, Lyre)
Lyra is a rather small but very distinct constellation, which contains one of the brightest stars in the night sky: Vega.

Mensa (Men, Table)

Microscopium (Mic, Microscope)

Monoceros (Mon, Unicorn)

Musca (Mus, Fly)

Norma (Nor, Normal)

Octans (Oct, Octant)
This constellation contains the south celestial pole. It reminds of a historic measurement instrument for star positions.

Ophiucus (Oph, Snake Holder)

Orion (Ori, Orion)

Pavo (Pav, Peacock)

Pegasus (Peg, Winged Horse)

Perseus (Per, Perseus)

Phoenix (Phe, Phoenix)

Pictor (Pic, Easel)

Pisces Austrinus (PsA, Southern Fish)

Pisces (Psc, Fishes)
The fishes are an old constellation. It represents Venus and her son, leaping into the sea and transforming themselves into fishes to escape from the monster Typhon.

Puppis (Pup, Poop Deck)
The former constellation Argo Navis was split into four smaller constellations by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the middle of the 18th century. The largest of these four constellations is Puppis, representing the poop deck of the ship.

Pyxis (Pyx, Compass)

Reticulum (Ret, Reticle)

Sculptor (Scl, Sculptor)

Scorpius (Sco, Scorpion)
The scorpion shape can easily be spotted in this wonderful constellation. Various different myths exist regarding this constellation.

Scutum (Sct, Shield)

Serpens (Ser, Snake)

Sextans (Sex, Sextant)

Sagitta (Sge, Arrow)

Sagittarius (Sgr, Archer)
The archer is the southernmost constellation of the zodiac. It is located in one of the most interesting regions of the night sky, containing many beautiful deep-sky objects.

Taurus (Tau, Bull)
This is an ancient constellation. The reddish star Aldebaran marks the eye of the bull.

Telescopium (Tel, Telescope)

Triangulum Australe (TrA, Southern Triangle)
The Southern Triangle was introduced by Johann Bayer as the southern counterpart to the Triangle in the northern hemisphere.

Triangulum (Tri, Triangle)

Tucana (Tuc, Toucan)

Ursa Major (UMa, Great Bear)

Ursa Minor (UMi, Little Bear)

Vela (Vel, Sails)

Virgo (Vir, Virgin)
Virgo is the second largest constellation in the sky. It is often linked to Astraea, the roman goddess of justice.

Volans (Vol, Flying Fish)

Vulpecula (Vul, Fox)

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