This star is named to:

Baby j

This star shines for you!
It was named on:
January 1, 1970
It was named by:
Taylor Jackson
Right ascension
4h 40m 46.86s (70.19525°)
The magnitude (brightness) is measured on a logarithmic scale. Small numbers mean bright stars: A star with a brightness of 1 mag is 100 times brighter that an star with 6 mag.
10.14 mag
Every star belongs to a constellation, and 12 of those constellations are part of the zodiac.
Taurus (Bull)
The Bull is a very old constellation, known to several ancient civilizations. One of the first notations of the bull dates back to the old Sumerians, 3000 years B.C. In the Greek mythology, the god Zeus took on the shape of the bull in order to approach Europa, the beautiful daughter of Phoenician King Agenor. Find out more.
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